Longevity Salon @ Flussbad

Longevity Salon @ Flussbad

Time: 6:00PM - Location: Flussbad.com
The Longevity Salon offers an exclusive networking dinner for longevity enthusiasts. Curated and sponsored by longevity physicians Axmann & Gartenbach, Peppermint Venture Partners, invent Diagnostica, and Springtech Partners. The 5th Longevity Salon features a longevity conversation with Prof. Eric Verdin, President of the renowned Buck Institute for Research on Aging @ Flussbad, the campus of Slowness, an experimental hospitality collective that reframes the way we live and interact. Designed to enable collaboration and innovation across disciplines, the riverside campus will grow over the next year to include gastronomy, guest rooms, working lofts, diverse spaces for learning and exchange and a comprehensive health program spread across multiple spaces on campus.
Registration: Invitation-only

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